US body calls out India on ‘religious freedom violations’US body calls out India on ‘religious freedom violations’

The US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is worried about India not respecting religious freedom. They’ve been urging the Biden administration to label India as a “Country of Particular Concern” (CPC) due to ongoing violations of this freedom. The commission, an independent group in the US government, has been recommending this designation every year since 2020, including in their 2023 report.

They’re concerned about India targeting religious minorities and their supporters, like journalists and lawyers, across borders. USCIRF urges the US State Department to mark India as a CPC. They’ve highlighted instances where the Indian government might have been involved in actions against Sikh activists outside India, saying it’s part of India’s broader efforts to suppress minorities and human rights defenders both inside and outside its borders.

A USCIRF commissioner, Stephen Schneck, mentioned that the alleged actions against Sikh activists outside India are troubling and show India’s intense effort to silence religious minorities and human rights defenders. They’re calling on the Biden administration to acknowledge India’s severe violations of religious freedom and designate it as a country of particular concern.

Additionally, USCIRF shared an update about India’s laws against conversion at the state level, shedding more light on how these laws are used to target religious minorities.

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